Maryland State Police
Adapted from the British legal system, Maryland used sheriffs and constables to enforce laws until 1914 when a Corps of Motorcycle Officers was established under the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles to enforce motor vehicle laws throughout Maryland. A transition from obtaining statewide jurisdiction over criminal cases in 1922, to the establishment of the Maryland State Police in 1935, has lead to the Department of Maryland State Police that we have today. The Department of Maryland State Police is the principle department that enforces state motor vehicle and criminal laws and safeguards the lives and safety of all persons within the State.
Maryland Natural Resources Police
With a strength of over 247 officers, the Maryland Natural Resources Police (NRP), vested with all powers conferred upon police officers of the State, is an enforcement arm of the Department of Natural Resources. The Natural Resources Police provide a variety of services in addition to conservation and boating law enforcement duties throughout the State of Maryland. These services include search and rescue, emergency medical services, education, enforce all natural resources laws of the State, assist in the protection of life and property, serve as the primary search and rescue agency on the waters and in the rural areas of the State. The NRP also preserve the peace, assist in the prevention of crime, detect and apprehend violators, safeguard individual rights, and perform miscellaneous service functions as requested by the citizenry.
Maryland Capitol Police
The Maryland Capitol Police of the Department of General Services became an independent unit in April of 2003. Through both its Annapolis and Baltimore Detachments, the Police provide security for the Annapolis and Baltimore State Office centers. In Annapolis, the Maryland Capitol Police guard 19 buildings, 5 parking garages, 11 parking lots, and demonstrations held on state property. In Baltimore, there are 11 buildings, 4 parking garages, and 6 state parking lots guarded by the General Services Police.
Maryland State Fire Marshall
The Office of State Fire Marshal’s objectives are to prevent deaths, injuries, and property damage due to fires. The Fire Marshal’s duties are to inspects buildings for fire safety, investigates arsons, provide instruction on fire safety, and regulate manufacturers, dealers, and users of explosives. The office also issues permits for fireworks displays, and operates a bomb squad unit.
Maryland Department of Health Police
Through serving as the advocate for public health initiatives with programs to improve the quality of life for all Marylanders, the DHMH strives to improve health care for all, providing leadership in the development and enactment of responsible, progressive health care policy.
Motor Vehicle Administration Police
Department of Public Safety and Corrections
In addition to conducting investigations within statutory authority, the agency is the Department’s liaison with allied federal, state and local law enforcement agencies providing investigative services and support to their investigations.